Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Milan and the American Embassy

I am suddenly awakened, I think it's an hour or so later, when an Italian couple gets on the train and begins to tell me in Italian that my friend is in their seats. I look at the old lady across from me and she gives me a smile and I can see that they have been talking to her. I can also see a slight glint in her eye that very kindly says, “I told you so”. I look over at Mike and like me the sweater pillow is now over his head to keep the daylight out. “Mike! Psst!!! Mike!” He peaks through his sweater and I can see his blood shot eyes. “Hey you’re in their seats, come back to this one over here.” He gives me a look that says he could really care less, and turns his body towards the window and goes straight back to sleep. For a split second I think how rude, but then I realize how tired I am and I do the same thing to the Italian couple expecting me to do something about it. I can hear them exchange words in Italian. Finally they give up and on sits next to Mike and the other next to me. Just as I feel the man take his seat next to mine, I pull the jacket over my head and fall fast asleep for the remainder of the trip.

“Hey Gema, we’ve arrived.” Mike gently shakes my shoulder. I open my eyes to a brightly lit train. Many of the passengers are making their way off the train. I didn’t even feel us stop. The little old lady gives me a sweet look and then walks down to get the isle to exit the train. I get up, I’m dizzy and my head is foggy, still in a dreamy state of mind. Mike hands me my bag. The clock is ticking and we still need to navigate our way by foot to the American Embassy to get Mike his passport. The Embassy opens at 9am and closes at 12:00pm, therefore it is imperative that we get there as fast as we can. Mikes plane leaves at 8am the following day, there is no room for mistakes here as it is 8:30am. We hurry off the train with Mike leading the way. Mike looked up the directions the night before and we are walking at a fast pace trying to determine where to start.

Something you should know about traveling is to bring a compass. Every time I get off a train, directions in my guide book always start with “Head north east until you reach (fill in blank) Street.” Traveling to so many locations means I have no idea which direction is which.

Mike manages to figure it out and we pick up the pace. Apparently we have a ten-minute walk, which is great! We should find it in plenty of time. Now filled with hope, Mike and I begin to jabber on about the city and how different it is from the rest of Italy. Milan is the fashion capital of the country. It is where all the modeling takes place and is filled with shopping, large business buildings, and people hurrying around in their Italian suits. The best way to describe it, is that it is the New York of Italy. We stop at a corner looking at Mike’s directions and map. Our destination can’t be too much further, however we are stuck at a fork in the road. “Lets just ask” I say and the next friendly looking face that walks by I ask if he knows where the American Embassy is. The handsome Italian is dressed very smart, and trendy. He had a smile as he was walking, dressed in a blue blazer and nice jeans and a beautiful leather satchel to carry his things. He says he doesn’t know in decent but still broken English then digs into his satchel to look it up on his phone. He starts opening his phone and blushes, he puts back the phone and digs again. He then pulls out a second phone and begins to Google search it. Mike and I kind of chuckle at this as it is obvious the man is embarrassed for having two phones. Just then we look up. How could we miss it! It gently waives in the air, it’s the American Flag. Being so far from home and I had taken for granted how beautiful our flag is. Mike points it out and we start chuckling again. That must be it! We look back at the man and try to point it out, but he is too busy trying to help to notice. Neither Mike or I want to make his help feel unwelcome so we allow him to continue on. He tells us that we are really close and looks up and down the street and begins to walk about 5 steps forward. He looks up from the GPS on his phone and lets out an embarrassed laugh. Here it is. It was right in front of us the whole time. We give him our biggest thanks and I grab Mike with and excited jump! We are here! It’s just about to be 9:00am now. We walk straight to the front and are stopped by the guards at the front. They tell us that we have to wait. Apparently the workers in the A.E. are taking a coffee break! WHAT! Ugggh so Italian – the day just started and they are off for a break. There is a really nice coffee shop right next to the AE so we decide go in and have cup too. We choose a small corner by a window to put our things down and I walk up to order. Mike says he’s not hungry but I know it’s a total lie. I’m starving and we have been splitting meals since our stuff had been stolen. I try and give him the bigger share of the food but he always insisted it was split even and would leave me the fair share. I walked up to the counter and ordered two coffees and two buttery breakfast rolls. When I come back with the food we sit down and quietly eat. When every crumb is gobbled up we both start complaining about the Italian culture of taking breaks and closing early. Don’t they know people need their passports! It’s been about 15 minutes and he decides to go back to see if its open. Luckily the shop has Wi-Fi and I tell him I will watch our stuff.

Knowing how the Italians are about people just sitting at their tables I decide to sip my coffee really slow. This is a classy place and I was worried about being kicked out for looking like traveling bums. At this point Mike and I haven’t showered in a few days and I feel dirty. I go to the restroom and brush my hair and touch up my makeup to look a little less bum like.  I then head to the counter and order a few small cookies to go with my coffee. Mike comes back just once to barrow a bit of cash to take a picture for his passport. This is the last I see him for a every long time. I grazed as slowly on the cookies as possible. The waiters and other workers in the café are eyeing me. They either think we are bums and want me to leave, or they know something is wrong. I cant hide the nervousness on my face and I try to play on the computer to keep my mind busy. I am so determined to get Mike home! If this fails I will feel awful...more than awful! I am so nervous that I am sick to my stomach. For some reason I feel like there was a reason for us to have met, and that reason was for me to make sure he gets home safely! I slowly sip my drink and eat. When I begin to feel like I am getting too many stairs from the café employees I would get up and order another coffee to keep from being kicked out. It is almost 1:00pm and I haven’t heard a thing from Mike.

Just then I get a facebook message from him explaining that it looks like things are working out its just going to take a while as he is trying to get ahold of his family. I feel a little better but still the knots never leave my stomach. Finally about 2:15 Mike walks into the café. “I got the passport” he says with a big smile. I look at him repeating what he says and give him a huge hug. “Your going home! We did it” We do a celebratory dance that attracts more glances from the café employees. You must be starving lets grab lunch! I order us a quick meal to split. We gobble up the last few bites and just then a café emolyee comes by and asks us to leave telling us that we were talking up tables and they were losing business. To be fair the place was starting to fill up so we grabbed our things and happily walked out of the café. We didn’t care, our mission was accomplished and now it was time to relax and explore the city.

Mike and I go back to the train station and check in our bags. Time to explore the town and get me a new camera. I decided that since I stil had a month left to travel, and since this was a once in a lifetime adventure, a camera would be worth buying. Mike had already been to the town so he gave me the grand tour showing me all of the tourist attractions. The city is small but magnificent. The shopping here is also amazing. We found an electronics store where I bought a camera similar to the one I had. Both happy like children, decided to get an ice cream gelato. The scoops were large tasted delicious! We made jokes on a curb and enjoyed every bite. We made plans to stay in the airport that night to save money on accommodation. Later we made our way to a small park to kill time. There was an elderly group playing some time of game where the roll balls into a some type of lined thing on the ground. We could really see or under stand them so we decided to speak for them as if we were reading their subtitles. We turned a sweet old lady into the head of a retired Mafia gang. The entire story line and conversation we made up for them was hilarious.
Another old women walks by with a little cane and gives a us a look and smiles. “That smile means that you’re on my bench. For that your going to die” I say to Mike in my best Godfather accent. We both laugh out loud. “Come on its getting late and we need dinner!” says Mike.

We grab some food and toast over a coke for our last meal together and then head for the airport. Once in the airport we find two empty benches that face each other. Perfect! We put down our things and pull out our sleeping bags. We both drift quickly asleep. It had been a really long day.

I woke up a bit stiff thinking this is what it must be like to be a true hobo - sleeping on benches and traveling the world. My flight was at 6:45am to Spain and I had just enough time to check in. I head down with Mike and get in line. Mike waits near by and waits for our final goodbye. At the counter the lady tells me its too late- the gates are closed. I have missed my flight and there is nothing they can do. WHAT!!! I slept in the airport and still missed my flight! How is that possible! Not only that I have to buy another ticket. I run to Mike, about to cry, and tell him the news. We speak to an agent and I have to pay 70 euros for a flight to Spain. I am so frustrated and upset. “You should go. I think this will be really good for you. You can stay with my friends there to save money. It will be ok.” There is something about way he says it that calms me down. You know what you’re right. I purchase the ticket and am taking the next flight to Barcelona. Mike takes all of my extra clothes and souvenirs. He is heading to LA to see his girlfriend and promises to drop off my things at my Aunts house. We head over to his terminal and its almost time to say our final goodbyes. We sit and chat watching the sun come up. With my new camera I take a picture. We both look haggard and tired but I love this picture. I lost photos of 4 different cities with our bag being stolen in Cinque Terra. This picture represents two strangers, meeting in a foreign country and have an epic time adventuring. When things turn to distress, we banded together and turned our distress into more epic adventuring. Mike is an amazing person and I have no doubt that we will remain friends for a long time. I look forward to meeting his girlfriend too and am excited that this will not be the last goodbye as it usually is when you meet people through travels. 

Mike and I above at the airport as the sun is coming up. 
The only picture to survive our epic Cinque Terra & Milan adventure.

PS. It is now just over a month later from when this adventure took place. Mike was able to drop off my souvenirs and pay me back. We also plan on connecting sometime soon here in California. Probably sometime over winter when he is on break from school. Cheers!

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