Friday, September 7, 2012

Team California - 72 Hours Ago

I realize that I have not written in the blog much the past few days. Lack of internet and extreme adventure can do that to you. As I said in my last post, I was in Cinque Terra hiking, and swimming in one of the most beautiful beaches I had ever been to. I mean this place is truly unreal it’s so beautiful. I met two other Californians at the hostel. Such a rarity on this trip!  We called ourselves team California as we hiked a 12K that lead you through 5 villages. Each village has a spectacular view of ocean, village and sunshine.  On the last leg of the hike, from village 4, to the last and final 5th village, we could see in the distance stormy clouds. Faint sounds of thunder rumbled now and then. The three of us, Ant (short for Antony) Michael and I all looked at each other. Can we manage the last leg before the storm? Just then we ran into an American couple. They were from Atlanta. We told them we were moving forward on the last leg of the hike. Ms. Atlanta looks at us and says, “Isn’t that the hardest and longest part?” We look at her and shrug, then Ant says “Is that a challenge? Well challenge accepted!” The three of us then began to run as much of the hike as possible. She was right though; it definitely was the hardest leg of the hike. Not only were we trying to beat the storm, but we were also racing the sunset, as it was almost dark.  But we were team California, there was no way we were going to stop now! The three of us were an awesome team and cheered each other on  when we got tired. This hike makes you go up into hills, mountains, then down through vineyards, and through crops lining the sides of the beautiful mountain. About the last quarter mile the trail got really steep and it was hard to see the trail. “No problem!” says Michael. He reached into his bag and pulled out a headlamp.

I told you we made the perfect team! We finished the trail just in the nick of time to watch the last drop of sunset. It was amazing. We were tired and ready to grab food in the last village. After scoping the village out to find the best priced restaurant we finally pick one. Just as we sit down it begins to rain! We all laughed, we were having an amazing time.  After dinner we took the train back to our village, which was the first one. Ant bought a train pass to Milan; he was flying home at 4pm the next evening. Ant left early the following day and it was was just Michael and I. We are both outdoor junkies and decided that we wanted to rent Kayaks, swim, and do more hiking. Neither of us realized at the moment that we would be spending the next 48 hours on the biggest mission of our lives. I will tell you about it in my next post. Lets just say right now I am on a train heading to San Sebastian and haven’t slept more than 3-4 hours in the past 72 hours.

All is well, I am safe and sound!

Lots of love xx

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