Friday, August 3, 2012

6 to 8 week Euro Romp

Today I have met up with my good friend Panu from Finland. We are in Munich right now exploring the city with his German friends! All is good and I definitely am very safe here. Its beautiful and really cool... more to come soon.

On another note I have decided to extend my stay for 2 more weeks. I have a few more friends that will host my stay and this way I will have time to check out Spain, Scotland, and Liverpool where I have a few good friends. I will keep you informed of course as I venture on.

Much love!


1 comment:

  1. Damn the Gypsies!! HAHAHAHAHAH!! Hey Gembs, I am here with Tia Juanita, Uncle Gordon and Elias reading up on your posts- they are awesome! Tia says you havent even really met the gypsies until you meet them in Spain...i think the sodas costs 6 euros over there (wink wink). We all wish you the very best and look forward to hearing more and more. Enjoy your extended vacation, and we look forward to the next post!!!
