Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Train Ride through Tuscany

During this trip I have gone over the places I have been, the people I have met, and the things I have learned. One thing I have yet to mention is how much I have enjoyed traveling to each place by train. Right now I am on a train to Florence, which is in the Tuscany region of Italy. This is by far the most beautiful train ride I have been on.  I am sitting by the window and have passed beautiful vineyards, hills and trees with plum colored leaves. The land has the colors of fall, deep reds, oranges, yellows and deep burgundies splashed with green trees and grapevines. In between vineyards are old Tuscany styled homes, some made of stone, while others hold Spanish influence of yellow homes and clay tiled rooftops. What a site!

I enjoy these train rides so much because it allows me the time to sit and think about the adventure I was just on, and also plan the new one about to come. Sometimes I get a little homesick on these rides, but only in the way that I wish I could reflect with you how much I had enjoyed the city I have just left. I also use the time to go over what steps I want to take next in my life. It’s a very peaceful way to reflect, often I look forward to my long train rides (insert big smile here).

The coolest thing about these train rides is that you always know where you are going but really you have no idea how to get there.  Once arrived it is like you have been transported into a new world. You don’t know the culture, don’t speak the language, and no one even knows you name. There is something to be said about the feeling of anonymity when you arrive into a foreign country. I have come to point where I actually prefer trains over planes. It’s my "me" time!

Lots of love! xx

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