Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bonjour - I no speaka french

Today I woke up a little later than I had meant... I hit snooze but I think I accidentally turned it off instead. Anyhow by 11am I was exploring the town and making my way to the Eiffel Tower. One thing I have come to realize is how awful my accent is here... I truly, completely, in every form and way, sound AMERICAN! HA!!! I have been mixing up all my words/phrases that I know... I can count them all on one hand... Bonjour, Marci, Wei, como tale vue, lese compito... (sorry for the misspelling). Thats it! I am so bad at speaking french and everyone speaks french or french. Thats it. No worries though! I managed to connect with KC as you can see in the picture and he was my tour guide for the day. I saw all the main attractions.. but I have not yet gone into any of them. Tomorrow I will be going to the Louver, seeing Norte Dame, having wine at the park by the Eiffel Tower, and then catching a late night train to Munich to meet up with Panu. Paris is beautiful - such a romantic city. I love it. Above are pictures of my hotel.. super french... just so cute. I could sit in the lounge for hours and take in the lovely surroundings. The food here is also amazing.. Gibi I will have pictures up for my next post.

Quick story about today... so this morning as I was out exploring on my own for a bit. I was so happy... just walking out of my hotel I could feel the romance of this city. I was walking with a big goofy grin along the water bridge just thinking how beautiful and lucky I was to be here when a young lady walking towards me bent down and picked up a ring on the floor. She asked me very nicely.. is this yours? I said no... she was so charming with her smile and laugh.. she was like "Oh lucky me its beautiful and real gold." I was like oh wonderful marci (which i thought meant good bye- it doesn't) and kept walking. She then said "Here, you take it.. its beautiful today and I want to give it to you" Me being on cloud 9 in paris was like "Oh thank you" and said lets take a picture so I can remember how nice you are. We took a picture.. had a few laugh and then went our ways. Then she said "oh madam, do you have some spare change for a soda? Its so warm today".  "Sure!" I said... heres two euros... 
She was like "I think its two more" I got a bit hesitant but handed over two more euros. And this I will never forget:

Sweet lady who gave me the ring : "Oh thank you, looks like it was a lucky day for me and for you! Goodbye" She the swiftly walks away.

Thats when the penny dropped (mentally that is)

 I realized I had just been scammed by a gypsy! Crap! She totally charmed me! I was a little mad but within seconds found it absolutely hilarious! So Gibi, you now have a french "gold" ring that cost me 4 euros as your Paris souvenir! 

Welcome to Paris everyone... don't take your eye off your belongings and don't trust the friendly colorful ones! lol


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